

Welcome to BieberFantasy, you brand new #1 source for Justin Bieber. We serve you the latest news, photos, media and so much more! Feel free to take a look around and make sure to keep checking back for more updates.

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Site Name: BieberFantasy
Owner: Amy.
Owners Twitter: AmyzLovesJB
[email protected]
Co-Owner: N/A.


BieberFantasy is in no way associated with Justin Bieber, Island Def Jam or any other company related to him. The purpose of this website is to provide the fans, with the latest info, pictures and multimedia about Justin Bieber. We are not responsible for any false information. All pictures, audio and videos are copyright to their respective owners. No copyright infringement will ever be intended. If you'd like to have any copyrighted material removed, please e-mail us before taking any legal action.

@2011 - BieberFantasy